Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Speed of News on the Internet

The evolution of news media has come to a point where it should be considered real time. In the past, news would travel by word of mouth, then on printed text, then organized printed text like newspaper, then radio, and television. All these options would take time to travel and often by the news was out, there was already newer news happening. Now, it is an almost instantaneous occurrence thanks to social networking. As events unravel, these sites allow for live streaming of news through posts and comments. It becomes that, as the news happens, it is being reported. This was brought to my attention with the recent news of the success of finding and killing Osama Bin Laden. Although he was found and killed a few hours ago, once the news hit the airwaves, it was all over the internet. On news websites, and social networking sites like FaceBook and Twitter. That's how I became aware of this and as soon as it happened, I turned to the news to confirm and there was Obama giving a speech. The internet is a wonderful but powerful thing.

Playstation Network down due to hacker group Anonymous

Recently the topic of computer safety and the threat of hackers was brought up in a discussion question. I found out that the Playstation network was recently hacked by the group Anonymous. This put the networks 75 million plus users at risk due to the fact that their credit card information was on the network. The site is down more then a week now based on when the story was written. Pretty scary stuff! Read more at://

Michael Esposito

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Android Technology

Android phones have grown in popularity in the computer sector over the last few years.  The phone uses an Android platform which is a type of computer technology that includes the hardware devices, operating systems, and computer programming languages.
Android technology was invented by Google; Android technology enables software developers to build applications for the phones.  The applications include games, social networking, and business modules.  Android technology is based on Java software applications.  This technology requires a special  
Software Development Kit (SDK) to code the applications. The SDK will work on multiple operating systems.   
One of the key differences between the Android technology and other smart phone systems is that it is open for modification enabling smart phone developers to change and enhance the smart phone experience based upon preference.

Evolution of PC's - MSaunders

I find the evolution of the Personal Computer (PC) to be very interesting. The PC to me is one of the most advantageous instruments ever created. The original creation of the PC was simply the beginning and over the years the knowledge and design has increased at an amazing rate. PC’s have enhanced our technological growth at rapid speed because in one form or another almost all of our work is done by a type of computer.